Monday, February 27, 2012


James in the snow cave that he built :)

Heather Ueeck, my beautiful Alaskan friend :)

These are some of the many signatures in the cabin:

Some random cans :)

Sabbath night was such a beautiful night, with just one glimmering star, that I had to take a picture. You can probably tell I didn't have a tripod, as the star isn't totally clear. Isn't it beautiful, though?


  1. Amie, I really like your pictures! They give me a glimpse of your weekend at Stryne. I'm really glad you guys had so much fun!

  2. Great pictures, fun memories. It's cool that you got Heather with the "Class of 2012" in the foreground. Are you sending any to yearbook?

  3. i like the "random" cans :) looks like you guys had too much fun!!!!

  4. I like the "random" cans too :)

  5. Awesome pictures!! Looks like it was a great trip, really nice processing too, especially on the snow ones! :)
